call the K C Star and inquire where they are on Monday
I buy a Sunday paper every week (two, actually), but have to make a special trip to do so. Sundays are busy for me so sometimes I forget. (I've thought about subscribing but I need two copies of the paper and don't want any other days).
Does anyone know where I can get a Sunday paper on Monday?? What happens to all those unsold Sunday papers?? I primarily need the coupons, so I wish I knew someone who only wanted the paper or could simply pick up a copy that's going to be thrown away anyway.
call the K C Star and inquire where they are on Monday
Hi M.,
I've bought the Sunday paper on Monday or Tuesday from Walmart. If you know anyone who works at a hospital you could get the coupons from there. They usually have many copies of the paper. My husband works there and he brings home the paper so we can donate it to be recycled. I've also seen the Sunday papers a day later at Casey or Quik trip. Good luck in your search.
Barnes and Noble usually carries them all week at the news stand if they don't sell out.
Hi M.,
Do you have a near by Quick Trip? I usually see a few Sunday papers on Monday at QT.
Raytown, MO