we started at 6 months as to help with BF. however, if you are not BF you can probably start earlier. your ped. will probably let you know. i would just recommend not putting any cereal in their bottle. you want to start with a good habit of teaching them to eat normal. we only kept evey on rice cereal with formula for about a week. she didn't like it at all like that. she wanted something different. i mean to them, they eat that out of a bottle, not spoon, right?? so we started to mix with veggies first. not fruit. we didn't want her to get "spoiled" by the sweet taste of fruits. we started with sweet potatoes and then carrots. we mixed about a tsp. of baby food with about a tsp. of cereal and a little formula to thin it out some. evey doesn't eat very much at once. only 2-3 tsp. she eats cereal twice a day. you can also start them on the gerber puffs (finger foods) any where from 4-6 months. they don't need teeth. just watch them carefully because they will "choke" the first few times you give them...they are just learning to swallow. evey "choked" for one day, then the next she ate them like a pro. amazing how quick they learn. hope this helped.
oh, my ped said to start out with cereal mixed with formula twice a day. give them the amount that can fit in their fist. he said to make it as thick as you like to make your oatmeal. i started out medium thickness. they will gag if it is too thick and you can just add a little more formula.