Hello E.,
All the advices are really good. I would also give them a snack after school (a fruit, a yogurt etc...)
I wish also we could eat dinner together but it's impossible = our schedule is too crazy. My husband comes home between 7:30 & 8:00pm
I pick up my daughter from preK at 5:45pm (she is 2.5 YO). They usually have a snack at 3:00pm. By the time we go home, play a little bit, talk about the day, it's 6:30pm, time for her to eat. I sit with her, eating a small plate or I prepare dinner for my husband and I (she eats in the kitchen). Then bath, songs and/or book and then in bed at 7:30pm. If my husband is home, he'll spend some time with her reading a book and say goodnight...
Then, we both have dinner together, but pretty late, between 8:30pm & 9:00pm (it takes time to cook a good meal)
In the morning, he is the one who drops her at school so they can have some time together.
It is difficult for me because I too grew up with the habit of having our meals with my parents when my dad was home (he worked offshore) but we live different lives now.
However, I insist that on the weekends, we have all our meals together = lunch & dinner... Breakfast, it's a bit more difficult for my husband to get up early on the weekend.
For me, eating before 7:30pm is too early. My husband thinks it's a cultural thing. He is complaining about the fact we eat too late but I only have 2 arms... Anyway, it's another problem.
Good luck.