Every child's development is different. None or right or wrong except for disabilities.
Your baby is learning several words a day and storing them in her brain bank. She will say them when she's ready.
The very best thing to do on your part is to talk to her constantly. Explain everything you're doing as you're doing it. Everything! Use inflections and speak clear and enthustiastice. No baby talk!!!
Read a couple of books a day. The same ones for a few weeks then switch up.
Also, don't meet every need right away. Get her to ask. Get her to communicate with you. After a few minutes of giving her a chance to communicate ask her "Do you want your toy?" "Okay, here is your toy."
Also, baby sign language is supposedly helpful for speech. Teach her words like eat, drink, more, read, tired, play in sign language. Use them always. I promise one day she'll look at you and communicate "more" and even say it.
I've done all of my suggestions and I'm not sure which worked the best but my son's vocab is good. Again, some babies have their own agenda.
Good luck and have fun having marvelous conversations with your baby.