When Did Your Kids Energy Level Change

Updated on February 23, 2012
K.S. asks from Littleton, CO
5 answers

My DD is 11 and was always one of those wake up and spring out of bed, and go go go until her head hit the pillow and she was out. But the last year, I've noticed she is a little sleepier in the morning, and gets tired at night before bed (slowing down, yawning, saying she is tired). She is fine medically, and I assume that we all get to that point. Especially girls, I'm thinking maybe as she gets older and hormones start kicking in (though I don't see other signs of hormones yet) she is just becoming more teenage like than little kid like. But I still can't help but worry if this is normal. She is energetic for the most part all day long, and eats healthy, just fyi. For you moms with older kids, have they done this? Or for the moms with teens and adults, do you remember your kids transitioning like this? Thanks in advance, I'm hoping this will help me relax that this is a normal part of growing up. Thanks mamas and have a great day!

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answers from San Francisco on

Very normal! As kids enter puberty they go through a LOT of growing, not just physically but physiologically as well. Her body and mind are beginning the process of going from childhood to adulthood, it's a lot of work :)
I've seen the same thing with all three of my kids and I remember it myself. Especially during high school, it was SO hard getting up in the morning, and it didn't seem to matter how much sleep I got. I remember sleeping until at least noon on the weekends, and still being tired/slow when I first woke up.

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answers from St. Louis on

have you had her iron levels checked?

other than that, this is pretty much normal!

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answers from Dallas on

My son did this when he hit puberty. He is now 14, and he goes strong all day long, but man, can he sleep late! I don't let him sleep the day away, and he doesn't want to anyway. He's also good about going to bed early if he knows he's getting run down.

I'm a teacher, and I used to work with a school nurse who told parents that teenagers, especially young teens, need as much sleep as toddlers because their bodies are changing and growing so much. She had documentation to back this up, but I don't have it anymore. As a parent of a teen, it sure seems to make sense.

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answers from Washington DC on

I think it's age related...that'd be my guess.

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answers from Portland on

I agree with Mamazita. This is normal. My granddaughter is 11 and acts similar to this.

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