Today's world says to go to send him to daycare. I say, stay home with him if you can! I was a stay at home mom for the first 8 years of my kids lives. They were very happy that they could come home to mom after school. I decided to go to work when I felt like I could. Well, thats when they changed. They did not go to daycare, they had babysitters that lived in the same apartment complex as we did. They had great babysitters! Things changed because all of a sudden I was to busy to spend the quality time with them like the first 8 years of their lives. Do you want your child to have your morals and values or do you want your child to have their morals and values. My daughter is now a stay at home mom. My granddaughter Briauna is in 1st grade and the first two years of Briauna's life I took care of her and worked with her on the computer. She knew how to control the mouse to the computer at the age of 1 yr old. She was talking very clear at that age because we never spoke baby talk to her and her grandpa used to read her the business section of the newspaper from the time of her birth. I would always let her scribble on paper with crayons, she would make necklaces and bracelets. Mind you she is again around a year old to two when I would always be having her do something with hers hands. She is a very good little artist. She colors like a teenager. She is like I said in the first grade, never went to daycare and is at a 3rd grade reading level and is top in her class for math! All the other kids and I say all the other kids went to daycare, preschool and I think only one other child in the class is comparable to Briauna. This is not me saying all this, this is the teacher's report on Briauna. It is the time that you spend with your child that will make all the difference in the world in their lives. She is very socialable even though she did not go to daycare. She has lots of friends and is alot of fun to be around! I honestly say that what is wrong with this world is that there is not enough parents, moms or dads staying home to give the kids a safe sense of security. I believe they need to be around their parents to have a well balanced life when they leave for their first day of kindergarten. My mom was also a stay at home mom for a while and when she left our home to go to work it was devasting for me. We then had to clean house and make our own snacks because our babysitter made us. We had to grow up. Take all the time you can with your child at home and you can teach him all he needs to know socially and educate him at home. Find other stay at home moms and make playdates, honestly it is the best thing for children to have at least one stay at home parent.
L. Jacobs