How cute! I love her little polka dot skirt :)
She will eventually get up and crawl "for real" as she gets stronger. At the beginning of the video she was raised up on her hands and knees, now she just needs to figure out how to move her limbs and still stay up!
My son did this thing where, from a sitting position, he would lean forward on his arms and get onto one knee, but then take his other foot and "crawl" with his hands and one foot, kinda dragging the other knee along. If you didn't know better it looked like his one leg just didn't work, but that was so not the case! Babies just figure out the fastest way to get from point A to point B, and whatever works, works!
Also, on a developmental note, our pedi told me that learning to crawl can take awhile because it's the only time that we have to figure out how to move all four limbs separately but at the same time. It's a pretty amazing feat when you look at it like that!
Have fun enjoying your baby and all her milestones! Congratulations!