What Type of Laptop/pc/notebook Should I Get

Updated on October 25, 2011
J.M. asks from Doylestown, PA
9 answers

I have a desktop currently, and have a website I'd like to be able to update on lunch breaks, in waiting rooms...so I'd like to sell my PC and get a portable one, so if i'm going to be using it promarily for lots of internet use/updating my website and social netorking...., micrsoft office, storing photos an music, whats a good option?? I won't have tons to spend so I'm looking for the best long term product that wont cost an arm and a leg

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answers from San Diego on

I love my dell laptop. You can start off with a nice one for around 400 dollars if you don't need or desire a bunch of upgrades.

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answers from Lexington on

You can't go wrong with a Dell. Usually if you go into a Best Buy or Office Max, all the computer geeks who work there are more than happy to help you and get you the best one that fits your needs. Good luck!

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answers from St. Louis on

I have a Dell mini through Tmobile. Unless you have wifi access you will need a broadband mobile card or like mine, built in. The problem with the netbooks is no power. That thing is slower than death. Better than nothing at all...

I have a HP that is a full laptop but it is actually more powerful that my full sized Dell Inspirion.

If I were you I wouldn't sell your desktop. You won't get much for it, like less than 100 if it is over a year old. They are a great place to back up a portable since when you carry your machine it is more likely to be damaged.

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answers from Washington DC on

I am normally a fan of Asus laptops, but the one I got last month crashed almost immediately. Now I have a Sony Vaio and I really like it!!

My mom had a netbook and didn't like how small it was. My husband has it now, and sometimes hooks it up to a bigger monitor.

We had Dell's for a long time, but I despise their customer service :).

Best Buy people really can guide you to what you need, since there is so much to look at and you have a general idea.

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answers from Lakeland on

My hubby works in IT and we all have Dells. You can check on-line or in Best Buy to see what would be best for your needs.

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answers from Nashville on

Apple is good.
I dont think Apple computers get virus's.

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answers from Dallas on

Check with your phone carrier. Verizon has a notebook that is around $300 and you turn it on like a phone, J. a monthly line charge and 2 yr contract.

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answers from Dallas on

My husband and I have Dell's and love them.

Mine is an XPS that is about 4 yrs old and running great. I run all the financials for our company through Quickbooks and it is vital that I have my computer up and running daily.

Hubby's is a bit newer than mine and he loves it. i don't remember the model.

We J. upgraded daughter from her 4 yr old Dell Latitude to a MacBookPro. She loved her Dell but she REALLY loves the Mac.

We got my laptop through Dell and everything has been great. We got the others from Best Buy and I can't say enough good about the Best Buy computer people. They are great!

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answers from Houston on

ipad, will suit all your needs.

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