My daughter had braces put on her top and bottom teeth last month. Yes, they are painful, especially the first few days.
My suggestions:
Keep your daughter on ibuprofen every 4-6 hours through the first 2 days. Set a timer, if necessary. Don't wait until her teeth hurt to give her pain medication. Tooth pain is miserable and it's so much easier if you stay ahead of the pain.
Stock your fridge with tons of soft foods & cold foods: applesauce, jello, pudding, ice cream, yogurts smoothies, etc. Your daughter will want soft foods for the first 2-3 days and soft food is boring and not particulary filling, so a ton and a variety. Plus it will make her feel special!
Your daughter's lips will get quite dry - get a few different flavors of chapstick.
The orthodontist will give your daughter wax to apply to any painful spots (where the braces are rubbing against her mouth), use it.
Your orthodontist will give your daughter a detailed list of foods to stay away from - mostly sticky & chewy (caramels, gum, bagels, etc.). My daughter and I "prepared" for braces by eating all the forbidden foods the night before braces.
Finally, mark the moment: Take a "before" and "after" photo.
Good Luck to you and your daughter!
T. Y
SAHM of 5
(13, 12, 6, 4 & 2)