Unless its a developmental pediatrician...
- Blood work
- Urine test
- Q's about sleep & diet
(Aka things that mimic ADHD)
And then 'Sounds like it MIGHT be ADHD. Here's a referral / do you have someone you'd like a referral to?' OR "You know, this is looking like it might be _________. (Diet, sleep, allergy, situational). Lets try doing _______ for 2 weeks-3 months and see if that helps/rule it out.
Standard Peds ONLY rule out medical causes (low oxygen, high blood sugar, allergies, malnutrition, sleep dep, illnesss). Some do, but NEVER should, diagnose ADHD. But some do. The send patients to cardiologists, dermatologists, etc... But just ignore that the brain is YHE most complex organ in the body and start mucking about.
A DEVELOPMENTAL Ped is qualified to diagnose psychiatric/neurological disorders. But not a standard Ped.
So expect a 5 minute meet, or an hour long physical, but NOT ADHD diagnosis or treatment plan. That needs a referral to
- Devdlopmental Ped
- Pediatric neurologist
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
Do know, a med prof and a psychologist usually TAG TEAM ADHD. Med for diagnosis and medication monitoring IF you are diagnosed AND choose to try meds (many just go with counseling to start, then may or may not add in meds). Psychologist for counseling / coping mechanisms '.
Note: Nope! Insurance companies do not require the order of meds, like Ritalin first (or rather... It is NOT stabdard, nor best practice. They usually DO require the generic first, though). Many start out with Ritalin family (methylphenidate) first. Many also start out with Adderal or Straterra first. Or one of the other 73 ADHD meds out there. Dexamphetamine, etc.