Hi E.,
Ginger does work really well to help with the upset tummy. But, in my experience it doesn't keep the upset tummy from actually happening.
Most drug stores, like CVS or Walgreen will carry motion sickness wrist bands. Typically you can find them in child sizes. You put them on and voila! No motion sickness. They trigger an acupressure point on the wrist... and more importantly.... THEY WORK!!!! I've tried them. Friends have tried them. They work. Now granted, I haven't tried them on a child since we don't have issues with that and hopefully we won't. But, I know the adult sizes work for adults.
Check it out. It's a non-medicataed approach.
I used to get motion sick when I was a kid. On long trips my mom would give me dramamine. I fell asleep all the time! And then, sometime, I was super sleepy once we got to where we were going! No fun for anyone.
Good luck!