First cut up those credit cards. If you can't pay cash for it then you can't have it unless all of you bills are paid and the fridge is full. Then go to the library and check out The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.
Believe me it's hard. We squeak from paycheck to paycheck, car repairs rip us to shreds as well. We started making an effort to save just a little each pay day. Change goes into a jar, The first hour of paycheck you earn goes into a savings account for spending on your daughter at Christmas this year.
Each month you cash in that change and use it to pay extra on the smallest balanced credit card until it's paid off. Then do the next one and the next until they are all gone. NEVER OPEN ANOTHER CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT. You don't need them. You can use a debit card from your checking account for everything a credit card can do and it doesn't have intrest to pay every month.
Now, here's how we live. We have 2 mortgages on our house and the usual utility bills and insurance cost, but that's it. We can barely afford everything but we do set aside that one hour. I thought last year, for what we spent on car repairs we could have made payments all of last year on a car but Dave Ramsey changed my thinking. Now we're setting aside what we could be paying in car payments and at the end of the year, I can buy a car outright and save on insurance as well as depreciation. Find a cheaper rent only if the moving expenses and deposits for it plus the new rent equal less than what you are paying a year right now.
We shop the sales on food, I buy only what I need on a monthly menu and everything else goes into paying off little bills that pop up or stuff for school. Plus we don't go out. TV is our entertainment. Date nights to preserve our marriage are held at home.
I hope I helped.