Hi S., I know what you're going through. My 3 yr old daughter has never taken liquid meds for me. This last week though, she got her first ear infection and needed to take a decongestant and Motrin. I have been mixing the two together with a little bit of water (2-3 tsp) in one of her favorite cups, then cut down a drinking straw so it's short for her to sip with. I let her take her time drinking it, and let her watch a cartoon. If she really dawdles, I turn off the cartoon until she starts back up again. When it's all gone, she gets to pick a treat. This has been working like a charm for me. My hubby tried the "make her drink it or else approach" and spent a very teary, loud hour with her in the bathroom. Maybe my approach isn't the best, but it's worked for us and no one feels bad once it's over. It also helps that she's OK with the flavors the Motrin comes in too. I like what the other mom said, it's a little bit about control for the child and a lot about the taste of the medicine. Good luck, N.