I live in Stuttgart and I love it here. We are leaving in May and I am very sad to go.
I am not sure how much you know about the area, so sorry if this is a little redundant. There are actually 4 bases: Kelly, Patch, Robinson and Panzer. Panzer has offices, the exchange, bowling alley, USO and lots of housing; Patch (where I live) has offices, the commissary, craft store, gas station and, again, housing; Kelley has offices, a theatre, coffee shop and housing; Robinson is almost 100% housing (no offices) and a small AAFES/BX combo shop. The bases are very small in size (we walk EVERYWHERE) and parking is a BIG issue for commuters. I think that all of the bases have an elementary school, EXCEPT for Kelly. Not sure what school district they are in, but I can tell you that the elementary schools on Patch and Panzer are very crowded - Robinson's housing is finishing up renovations & lots of their units are currently empty, so it's elementary school isn't that full.
Base housing consists of stairwell apartments. (unless you are an O-6 or above, then there is a chance at a house). Our is quite nice, but we miss having a fenced in backyard for our dog. There are newly renovated playgrounds all over the place. Our building has 12 units & we are very social. For example, we are planning our own Easter Egg hunt for the building's kids, followed by a building brunch.
My off base friends find that they are constantly driving back & forth between bases. Drop off/pick up at school, drop off/ pick up for girl scouts, drop off/pick up for sports, etc. plus trips to the commissary, exchange etc.
The Euro is very strong against the dollar. I think today's exchange rate is $1 buys 0.64 Euro. Somehow our COLA keeps dropping, so off base housing is quite pricey. It can also be hard to find. I've had two friends who waited in hotels for 4 months before finding something suitable. Now, that being said, their houses are great and they have more room than I do.
I guess the bottom line is how much time you want to spend in your car. Keep in mind that this is a major German city & has all the traffic associated with big city living. A commute from Kelly to Patch that normally takes 10-15 minute (non rush hour) can take up to an hour+ in rush hour... and it's not that far away!
Let me know if you have any more specific questions!!