I would take him to Target to try them on.
My big-headed toddlers went straight to youth helmets. The infant/toddler/preschool ones never fit on their heads at all.
Hello all - I need to buy a bike/scooter helmet for my 1.5 year-old daughter. Her head circumference is 19 inches, and I am having trouble figuring out what type of helmet she should have (toddler? infant?). The online descriptions sometimes include sizes and sometimes don't. Does anyone have a helmet that they would recommend? Thanks!
I would take him to Target to try them on.
My big-headed toddlers went straight to youth helmets. The infant/toddler/preschool ones never fit on their heads at all.
I recommend buying helmets from a bike shop, rather than Target or TRU. At the bike shop, they can help ensure the proper fit. See if they can give you a helmet that can grow with your child so you don't need a new one in a year or two.
The best bet is to contact your local bicycle shop. They will be able to fit the helmet properly for your child's head, size, and shape.
I recently bought my daughter a new helmet and my husband had a small fit about the price I paid. It is for her precious head and I could care less of his opinion. I want to be sure she is protected.
This should help you out. It's the Bike Helmet Buying Guide on Amazon. If you scroll down a little bit you'll see a handy chart. :-) http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=amb_link_356578442_1?ie=UTF8&...
I would go to a store - Walmat, Target, Scheels, Dicks, something like that - and just try on helmets. It won't take you long to figure out what size you need. Then you can go online and find the one you want.
Helmets are best tried on in person. Beyond the measurement size, the shapes, style and weight can vary. You'll want one that both fits and feels comfortable to her, or she won't wear it.
Go to Walmart and put the helmet on her head. If it's too tight go up to the next size but do keep in mind that all helmets will fit differently and just because one doesn't fit well in that size doesn't mean another one of a different color or style won't fit perfectly.
Go to a good bike shop and ask for someone to fit her. Some helmets are a bit more expensive but can be well-adjusted for a snug fit. Our son's helmet has a sort of dial which makes sure the fit in back is correct for him; we know we can also get a good range of use for him.
I should add that I see so many bike helmets on kids which are worn incorrectly (on the back of the head like a hat, forehead exposed)-- it's worth the time and expense, esp if it saves you from an ER visit.