Be careful what you wish for! It is wonderful to have so many people wanting to give things to you little one. At this age, he doesn't understand so much about the gift giving and will likely be more interested in the paper and boxes they come in.
At our house, regardless of the occasion, we try to not focus so much on the gifts and more on the reason we are celebrating, such as a birthday or holiday. Christmas is a great time to focus on the spiritual side of the holiday and not so much on the commercial aspects.
I would suggest some experiences for your little guy. Could someone buy a Zoo pass, swim lessons, membership to the Children's Museum or other outing that you and others could enjoy with him? Experiences always outweigh any "stuff" that will eventually end up in the back of a closet, garage sale and ultimately the land fill. Memories last forever and provide time with friends and family.
Another great idea is to give some gifts in your son's name to an angel tree or other organization that gives to children who are in need.
Last year for my 4 year olds birthday, we got so much stuff we put some of it away and passed some on. The precedent we are setting is that holidays are not about the presents but about celebration. It is important to me and my husband that we don't raise materialistic kids and it starts young.
We are downsizing, as we have so much stuff, the girls don't even remember things people gave them or have places for everything. Things aren't fulfilling, people and experiences are, and memories outlast any "thing"
Good luck and enjoy the sights and sounds of this holiday season with your growing family!