well, this might not help you for tomorrow, but for future trips...
At this point in my life, where I am responsible for packing for myself and my two little ones, I make a packing list at least a few days before -and constantly add to it over the next few days as I remember to add to the list all the things I forgot...and I always start in the same order -
i.e. , bedtime for the little ones, then morning things, afternoon things, evening things - both kids get to pack (with help and supervision) a "night night bag" - loveys, favorite bedtime books, nightlights, etc. (my kids are 2 and 5). As I pack things up, I either cross them off the list or check them off - I am usually adding things on that I have forgotten until the last minute! Then, before I go out the door, all I have to do is look at the list, because I always find that I am stressed and frazzled right before leaving and if I had to rely on my own poor mommy brain I would forget all sorts of things! So - I rely like crazy on my packing lists!
(I have a friend who has hers on a spreadsheet on the computer so she just prints out a copy before each trip - I just like to handwrite mine!)
Anyway - good luck to you, and have a good trip!
Also - my mom makes notes in a special notebook after a trip about what she did that worked and what didn't to refer back to - I can't seem to make that happen for myself, but it sounds like good advice!
good luck!