Most of the questionnaires have my kid's doctor's name at the top. I think he knows his stuff. He will tell you that they are not necessary to diagnose. Yes he uses them but it is mostly to figure out the big picture.
I mean you can tell just by talking to parents. What you can't tell is where the challenges are, where and what therapy works best.
I take meds, my kids take meds, you just don't know how much that helps. Still without therapy, learning how to function when you aren't on meds, even while on meds not leaning too hard on the meds, without therapy, coping skills, you will never be functional.
Using the born without a leg analogy, so you fit him with a prosthetic leg, because clearly his leg is missing, and have a nice day. Do you really think your son would have a chance of walking like a normal kid?
ADHD is no different, the meds will make your brain function normally ish but to function like you were born that way takes a lot of therapy. That means those god awful bubbles from hell! same questions worded fifty different ways.