(I read your other post, about her pay... )
She is a Child Care Provider.
Or Whatever she rather be called.
have you asked her???
BUT.... If she is just a "Mom" who is babysitting your child... and you like her, then why don't just ask her what she wants to be called?
Its not like she is professionally 'licensed' (or is she?), and is just a Mom, with a child herself, who you like and is caring for your child too.
I did child care in my Home.
Parents called me their Child Care Provider.
Or away from home Nanny.
Or babysitter.
I didn't care.
My job was to do child care for their child, at my home.
And even if it was in their home, my job would be to watch the CHILD... not do maid service, too.
Or they would have to pay me more.
Either you want them to watch your child, OR, clean your home and do errands/cook for you. And if you want them to do BOTH... keep in mind how it is to tote a child around, transport them AND do housecleaning and errands & cooking... with your child, in tow. So, how much time, do you want the "Nanny" to actually spend, with your child?
As a Mom, we ALL know, how much time it takes to clean/do errands and cook.... for our family. Factor in your Nanny having to 'babysit' & entertain and supervise your child too.... at the same time.
That is... arduous.
Payment to her, should not be pettily minced up, just because she is at your home or hers. REGARDLESS, even if watching your child at her home, HER home has to be, made appropriate for your child/have food/have a place for your child to nap/have toys for your child/she has to clean her home for your child & per safety etc.
Just because I watched kids at my home, does not mean it is cheaper, for me. I STILL had to have things in my home, for THEIR child.... and make it child proofed and have foods/equipment for their child too. Not only for my own kids.
I kept my kids stuff and the other child's separate.
It is, a lot of work... to have child care or Babysit in the child provider's home too.
It is not, just a cruise job.
EVERYDAY... after the child left... I had to again, clean MY house & organize it... and get it ready again, for the next day. Again. Everyday.
And, since your "Nanny" will be driving your kid to and from school... I hope you bought HER... a car seat for her car????? Too.