I have been searching high and low for part-time infant care too (my baby is due December 1st!) and what I have found so far is that most places or home centers do not do part-time, and the ones that do will charge almost as much as their full-time price. I would expect to pay about $150 per week ($50/day) for part-time care, but then not expect to pay much over $200/week ($40/day) for full-time care. It seems so incredibly cheap when you average out the hourly rate, but if you offer $600/month rather than $150/week it at least sounds a little better! I know someone else who hired a lady to come to her house a few days a week to watch her son, and she paid her $10/hour. That would add up to about $300/week ($1200/month)if you would be gone for 30 hours per week, and for me that wouldn't be worth a part-time wage! I know this doesn't give you much of a definitive response, but it's what I've found so far! Good luck!