What Goes 1St?? CAKE or PRESENTS at 1St Birthday Party??

Updated on February 12, 2010
N.G. asks from Antelope, OR
9 answers

My sons 1st birthday is coming up & I want to make sure i move it along at the right pace, just wondering What Usually goes 1st?? CAKE OR PRESENTS??

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answers from Chicago on

Cake first and then presents. Even when they get older whether you have it at home or somewhere else. Even when you have it at another place they even do the cake first and then presents. Not everyone wants to watch or they have may want or have to leave.

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answers from Kansas City on

Cake first, so that people can leave if they need to. I would always try to consider my guests' convenience when possible.



answers from Indianapolis on

We always do cake first and then presents.

For a first birthday, they won't really be interested in things, and it can be painfully long trying to get their attention focused on the task at hand. You will likely be doing most of the work and trying to get photo opps in order.

It can be painful for the guests as well, so I'd recommend the cake first then presents as well.


answers from Gainesville on

just keep in mind that the cake part of it is going to be very messy......so consider whether you want to deal with changing his clothes or a mini bath first ( maybe yours won't get all in the cake!) lol...
The present part is less messy. Excitement for my babies that age was very tiring and they were cranky and sleepy so we had to have a quick party. I love first birthdays....they are FUN! I snapped lots of pictures and love to look at them! GOOD LUCK



answers from Sacramento on

Just a helpful hint, most grocery stores will provide a free cake for a child's first birthday HOWEVER... DON'T get a buttercream frosted cake! We made the mistake of doing this for our daughter and holy buttery mess... it took forever to get all that frosting off of everything!!

Have fun at the party!



answers from Kansas City on

we did presents first cause we took off her clothes for cake time then straight to bath



answers from Cleveland on

We always do cake first... because somepeople are not able to stay the full party time for whatever reason. Presents can always be opened after the guess all leave if need be & thank you cards mailed out after the party. That way they know you did open it and were greatful for what they gave.



answers from Boston on

When the kids were younger we did presents close to the end.
Usually the guests arrive and we serve some refreshments, then move on to cake, presents and then the guest usually leave shortly after.
There is no set schedule of events. Do what works best for you. At one, your child will not be as interested in the gifts as the cake (or whatever you give him to eat). Some of the parties we have been to, the babies don't have cake, but we would still sing and all.
Have fun! I'm sure no matter what your decision it will be fine!



answers from Milwaukee on

would agree with Cristin, we had the guests arrive mingle for a short while until everyone gets there, serve the cake, open the presents and then call it quits. Try to keep it short and sweet, such young children get overwhelmed with a lot going on so just keep it simple.

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