Hi J.,
My son attends a morning preschool program which is situated in a lovely finished basement. (It doesn't look like a home program.. it is a legit preschool with an art/cloak room and a main room.) I love going into the space... this morning there will be a fire in the fireplace. Mmmm...
The teachers are great and we have conferences twice a year. They do regular phone calls home at least once every month or so to check in with us, plus a daily hello and goodbye and notes sent home frequently. And a newsletter. I feel like I know what's going on at preschool.
No PTO/PTA. No report cards-- (I've never seen them in my work with this age, either) No programs or concerts. We have two large family gathering potlucks each year: one at beginning, one at end. We have two family-invited events: 2 stone soup days and 2 parent appreciation teas, so that kid have one guest each day, and to ensure that all the kids have at least one day in which to enjoy the activity. Many kids don't attend the full week.
I love that there are plenty of 'extras' intrinsic to the program, the curriculum is rich and educates the whole child. In regard to rates, we send our son 3 mornings a week and pay $487 a month for tuition. It's more expensive than some schools, but it's also a very high-quality program with loving, experienced teachers. I'm very happy with it.
Oh, and to add: there are usually 13-14 kids per day and always two teachers out of the three: the lead teacher is there daily. For the first two weeks, they also staff with all three teachers just to help the kids. And there was a parent information night at the beginning of the year when they go through the entire handbook and answer questions regarding what to expect. I imagine that the director has decided not to do 'holiday programs' because so often that means keeping kids up way past their bedtimes in order to accommodate the schedules of working parents, and she understands that most of her families have either younger or older siblings, so those performances often end up with tired, cranky kids.:)