GOOD question... I have absolutely no idea.
Although he could take everything OFF right quick. Naked boy!
My daughter just learned to put pants on like pajama pants and tight. She did put em on inside out but still she got her legs in pulled her feet out and pulled it up to her butt all twisted lol it was so funny and cute to see :) and when they were on she goes "mom"and gives me the cutest "look what I did smile"
So what did your kids learn to put on ALL by themselves?! :D
GOOD question... I have absolutely no idea.
Although he could take everything OFF right quick. Naked boy!
I can't remember with my boys because it's been a good while now but with my daughter, her shoes and socks. This girl loves her shoes! (because it means we're going somewhere fun I'm sure LOL)
Pants were first. Most complicated clothing was SOCKS! Easily the worst. Those two little flaps of cloth were meltdown material.
A shirt, I think. But if the neck hole is the right size and not enormous on her, she still needs a little help.
For both my kids it was a shirt first.then pants.......then shoes. My youngest still somehow puts her shoes on the wrong feet 99% of the time
i think she is just messing with me
I think the first thing my son did was try to put underwear on his head, lol. I believe it was pj pants as well and they were backwards. So cute when they do something for the first time and they feel so proud. Thanks for sharing.
With our grand daughter it was the tulle' ballerina tutus.
Tonight my son (3.5) had on his superman underwear on inside out and backwards. Plus his shirt was backwards too. Loved it. Made me laugh.
His first was pants - stretchy waist. He's pretty good at socks too. Shirts - if they're big on him he can do it on his own. If they're too small/tight he struggles. He spins around like a dog lays down - trying to get his arm out of his shirt. It's hilarious. (Yes, I help him after he tries for two spins)