I once worked for Baldwin Piano and read research that the YOUNGER, the better they get at MATH! Most astronauts took piano, too. Age 2 is not too young, and practice becomes a part of their day like toothbrushing and homework.
My four year old daughter has experessed an interest in taking piano lessons. What is an appropriate age to begin lessons?
I once worked for Baldwin Piano and read research that the YOUNGER, the better they get at MATH! Most astronauts took piano, too. Age 2 is not too young, and practice becomes a part of their day like toothbrushing and homework.
Hi P. B,
My daughter started group piano lessons at four. A year and a half later, we've invested in a good digital piano (no space for an acoustic) and she's as committed as ever to playing and practicing daily. Take your daughter to try a class before signing up, so she knows and you know what is involved. What a child envisions sometimes doesn't mesh with the reality. At this age, it also needs to be fun to keep the interest alive. And yes, there is homework. So it will involve a parent's participation as well. In the beginning, the homework is pretty light, but as they progress daily practice will increase to about 20 minutes. So keep that in mind with kindergarten homework and other extracurricular activities during the week. If your daughter is interested, let her go for it. Good luck and have fun!
R. S
We started our youngest son at 6, and he was definitely ready and motivated, but we are having a hard time finding an instructor that can teach to such a young child in a way that isn't over their head. They are perfectly capable of playing at that age, but shouldn't be taught the same way as say a 10 year old. I would ask around if anyone you know has an instructor they like.
I have a friend that is a wonderful piano instructor, but she won't take them until they are at least 7, her personal conviction.
The teacher we found that would teach that young, really wasn't great at teaching to a 6 year old level. But she is great with my older pre-teen son.
So I have stopped doing lessons for him for now, until I can figure something out, or convince my friend to start him, since he's almost 7.
Do it! I started at 5 & loved it - still do. There is also a connection between piano & aptitude for Math. And it's a great way to express yourself like any type of creative outlet. Just make sure it doesn't become a pressure for her - keep it fun.
Check out http://www.pianoplaymusic.com/
It's a 45 minute group class and it's really fun and interactive. Plus they cover music theory, and introduce them to other musical instruments. My daughter is 4 years, 2 months, and she has already learned a couple of basic songs on the the keyboard, as well as whole note, half note and quarter note. ...and she LOVES it!
If she wants to play piano & very motivated .
Let your kid follow her dream & be supportive.
she might be the next beethoven ...
I am a single parent and on a tight budget . My son plays football & lacrosse. I try to accomodate him even if I have to buy the equipment by using credit card.
Let the kids be a dreamer , learn to aim high , & not a quitter !
We only live onced ! Let's enjoy being alive !
Hi P. - My daughter started playing at about 4 1/2 - we hired a college student from a local university majoring in fine arts to teach her (less expensive). Lessons were 15 - 20 minutes once a week with a couple of practice sessions. One thing I have learned when you start children early is that it has to be FUN! Otherwise they may not ever want to participate again (My bad with ballet!) That was five years ago and she continues to play piano as well as have FUN!
I think a lot of kids start at 5 or 6, because by then they understand the importance of practicing. But if your daughter has expressed an interest at 4, go for it! maybe start with community center lessons rather than expensive private lessons, to make sure her interest is not just a passing thing.
If your daughter is interested playing the piano than now is the perfect time. I started both my boys at 4 years old. Music is great for the brain.