I started wearing makeup in 9th grade (high school), but even then, it just included pink lip gloss and blush (the blush was my mom's insistence because I was so pale, otherwise). I would see other girls wearing tons of makeup (like Kim Kardashian) and would be shocked about how old they looked. Boys would snicker and say they must be ugly without makeup if they must wear so much, and being in Florida with the sudden summer rains and heat and humidity, well, all that makeup was not so pretty by the end of the day.
I don't see why a girl with nice skin needs anything more than some blush if she is extremely pale, and some lip gloss. Perhaps I would allow her to wear some eyeliner if her lower lashes are very pale, but a very subtle line, not raccoon eyes. A girl with splotchy skin would do fine with a slightly tinted moisturizer to even out her skin tone, but all this primer, and three layers of contouring stuff is extreme.
I guess I am lucky that none of the women in my family wear a lot of makeup, and that includes my daughter's 17-year-old cousin who just wears mascara on her upper lashes and clear lip gloss. If we did, she may want to emulate us so as of right now (she will be 10 next month) she does not like makeup and thinks celebrities wear way too much. Many times after seeing a celebrity without makeup or with a natural look, my daughter has said they look much better now than they did with all the makeup, and has asked why they put on so much makeup when it makes them look so different.
I don't think taking your daughter to a makeup artist is a good idea, though someone suggested it below. Every time I have gone to one of those counters, be it Lancome, Chanel, or Clinique, I have looked ridiculous, gaudy and they made me look old. When my own mother could not recognize me after one of those makeovers, I knew they had gone overboard.