Don' buy one now. The great thing about the doll is for your daughter to be able to CHOOSE the one she wants. If you buy it now, you might just
a) waste your money on a doll they don't love or want and
b) risk getting it destroyed (markers, messed up hair due to carelessness, etc...).
My daughter is 8 and became very interested in them at age 7. She was sad most of her friends had them and she didn't. I fought this a really long time. I can't stand how expensive it is. What a racket.
But as I saw that it IS a lovely doll (and more child appropriate than sorta sexualized Barbie) I've become a fan.
The first doll she wanted was the RETIRED ELIZABETH doll. She's been asking for one since she was 6.5 because her friend had one and she loved it. I didn't know what this doll was so I ignored this request for a long time, hoping she'd forget about it. Elizabeth is actually my favorite doll now because she is so beautiful and her hair is SO long (some girls apparently love this feature).
We were in the store last summer and I ended up getting her her first doll a "just like me" doll that kinda sorta looked like her. I wasn't expecting to buy one that day and I just got suckered into saying yes. Weeks later she realized she didn't love the doll because she still just wanted Elizabeth with her super long hair. Ugh. We were going to sell it on Craiglist, but now she wants to keep it. Fine.
Another thing to know is that the girls REALLY want and enjoy the experience of going to the store and picking out the doll themselves. So it's best to shop with them if this is their gift.
I ended up getting her Elizabeth on Ebay for Christmas. You can still find Elizabeth on Craigslist if you are patient.
I have a friend whose daughters are 12 & 8. She amassed a ton of gently used doll clothes through yard sales so her 8 yr old has a ton of stuff. That's where my daughter learned about how much she loved Elizabeth. I've heard the more clothes you have, the more the child will play with the dolls.
My daughter had some money saved up and just bought a JULIE doll at the store. So she has 3. I think we are DONE shopping for these dolls. Now I'm hunting down for clothes.
American Girl Clothing
I don't like the variety of clothing at the store. First, it's too expensive and not that pretty and everyone has the same outfits.
Etsy has an amazing collection of people who sew and make their own adorable AG doll clothing. It's also less expensive than the store.
This woman sells outfits for $12 plus $3 shipping.
For now, I'd get your girls some inexpensive baby dolls or Target versions of the same size AG dolls and see how they do with those.