Hi J.,
I have not had a chance to review everyone's responses so I am sorry if I repeat. I would take the following steps:
1. Keep a food journal, loosing weight is not really only about watching what you eat, it is also about how often and when you eat what you do. Write everything down that goes in your mouth - and the time it does. Yes it is a lot of work, but any trainer will tell you this is the first step in loosing weight.
2. Try smaller meals and then snacks in between (meals about 400calories and snacks high in protein about 200 calories) If you body get hungry it will store the food you eat rather than burn it knowing it will get more.
3. Drink lots of clear fluids with 0 calroie content water tea (unsweet) or black coffee
4. Sleep is also a major issue to loosing weight. Get more of it if you are not getting at least 8hrs a night (your body burns a lot while you sleep so get more of it)
5. Type in negative calorie foods in google and eat lots of those - basically your body burns more calories processing the foods than the foods have in them, but you still get the health benifits
Some of the issues to consider is fluid intake - Fruit juice seems healthy but often is high in calories and sugar. Refined starches (anything white) is often counterproductive -- try Wheat instead. Any foods with high carbohydrate content often gets stored in your body first and will also turn to fat first if the energy is not used.
Walking before you put anything food in your body will often increase your metabolism. Try doing that first thing in the am if you can, but any exercise is better than none.
You can also try increasing the speed of your walks for 2-3 min then walk at your usual pace then increase again for 2-3. Changing your workout will often kick you body into gear as it easily acclimates to any workout.
You may also try adding some weight training (you do not need a gym for this) to your workout - go to any mag rack and pick up something like womens health a running magazine or even oxygen - these have lots of exercises to do in them (I would suggest flipping through and finding one with lots of pics of the exercises that do not require gym equiptment)
Lastly - get you thyroid checked. After years of being stuck at the same weight I found my thyorid was low. Worth looking into at least you will know.
This is pretty long but I have lots more I could share - feel free to message me if you want -
I am a fittness buff - Competed in bodybuilding, survied a major DVT and have run 3 marathons. I am by no means an expert I have just altered my diet and lost a few times and have trained with some really great people that have taught me a lot - I love being healthy and helping other...
Keep up the good work I know you can do it!