It is just for fun!! Someone did it to me when I was pregnant with my first and it said girl, then boy. I have a son and am prego with my second. It's just a game.
Ok, who's tried this?
My girlfriend told me to take my wedding ring and hold it on a string and hold my other hand palm up. Allow the ring to dangle just next to my palm and then dip it below my hand 3 times then hold it over my palm. If it circles, its a girl, if it moves side to side, its a boy. She also said that if it doesn't move at all, then that means you're done having kids. She has 4 kids, boy, boy, girl, girl. She did this 4 times in front of me and the ring moved according to the gender of each child in order of birth, then stopped. I then used my ring and trid it. I have 3 girls and am 15 weeks pregnant and we've decided that this will be our last one. My results were girl, girl, girl, girl then done.
My question is has anyone done this and had any accurate results? I know its just for fun, but I have to wonder what the chances of it being right for more than just me, lol.
It is just for fun!! Someone did it to me when I was pregnant with my first and it said girl, then boy. I have a son and am prego with my second. It's just a game.
Our neighbor's daughter did it to me, but with a pencil when I was pregnant with our first. The pendulum result was girl, boy, done. We did have a girl for our first and we'll find out mid-july if the prediction for the second is right.
i actually did try this and it did not work for me
i have 3 boys and it said i was going to have 2 girls and a boy so i guess it was right once i have tried so many things like the chinese calander which also did not work for me i am on number 4 right now so hopefully it will be our girl
Hi, J.! Ya know, a friend of mine told me that she wanted to do the "necklace trick" on me, to see if I was having a boy or a girl. She just used an ordinary necklace, let it pile up on my wrist three times, then waited to see if it went in circles (girl) or back and forth (boy). I already had two boys (so it went back and forth both times for the boys), then we tried it again to see what I was going to have with this pregnancy. According to her trick, I was going to have a girl next. It was right! 19 months ago, I had a girl! It has worked on everyone that I tried it on, because I thought it was just a fluke thing and I needed to try it again on other people. Well, come to find out, it worked every time I tried it on every different woman! Call me crazy, but it worked for me!
it worked for me...one potty training cutie patutie boy, and one adorable little girl. it also worked for my friend who has two boys. i have a couple of other friends who aren't done yet, but the rings have been right on so far.
I was going to say what someone else said - totally accurate... 50% of the time!
Old wives' tales are just that... tales. With all of them having a 50/50 chance, lots of people are bound to have them "work."
If you want to know, I say treat yourself and splurge to have a 4D ultrasound done. Absolutely amazing, a great opportunity for the entire family to "bond" with the baby whose on the way and the techs will stick with it until they can confirm the gender. Most places, if the baby is uncooperative, they'll let you come back another day for free to try again. (We ended up going three times because the place we used wasn't happy with the pictures they were getting, even though we already knew the sex.)
Hi J.,
I've never tried that one. We didn't find out what we were having either ~ we liked the suprise on delivery day! I've been told what you have cravings for tells the gender.With ours I was more into sweet things like fruit. Any type of meat literaly made me ill I couldn't eat or smell it. I walked by a friend grilling chicken, caught a wiff, & had to excuse myself b/c the smell made me ill. So, meats & cheeses mean it's a boy & sweet things mean it's a girl, that's the wives tale I went by & it was correct both times! Good luck & have fun!
It's TOTALLY accurate...50% of the time:)
It has worked for me, my sister, my mom and both grandmothers. Strange and fun!
I've tried it too in the past and it was accurate for the 2 kids I have. Haven't tried it again (I'm expecting #3 and don't know gender), but may in the next few days. I've got to say that of all the "old wives tale" methods, this one seems to be the most accurate since it shows you what you've already got and visibly changes direction and moves. Kind of crazy! Good luck with #4!
Almost right on for me. It determined for me that I was supposed to have a boy, a girl then 3 more boys. Well I thought it was crazy and joked after the 1st boy and girl I would stop. Well, if you are intended to have so many kids, God will have his will. We did not have the 1st boy. Instead I had a girl first, then got twin boys and another amazing little surprise boy. So, I got the girl and 3 boys. So, I always think about that wives tale. I'd have never believed it and obviously, it wasn't completely right on, but more so than I ever dreamed it would be. It is just fun stuff.