Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas??

Updated on May 03, 2011
J.K. asks from Cuyahoga Falls, OH
4 answers

Hi, Mamas. I am trying to figure out a great gift idea for my wonderful husband for our 6th wedding anniversay. I definately don't want to get him something corny that is so cliche, but I am so not creative!! Help! He has planned a surprise getaway for us (a getaway for us is actually a couple of hours away from our children!) and is being so incredibly thoughtful in the planning. I would like to be just as thoughtful, but I am at a loss!!!

Thanks for any ideas!

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answers from St. Louis on

something really nice for his fav hobby....

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answers from Dallas on

For our anniversary a month ago, I bought mine Mavs tickets, and he was really excited... something I know he'll enjoy and not find at the back of his closet in a month! Does he like sports, concerts?

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answers from New York on

Someone posted a similar question just a day or two ago.

Personally I don't understand giving each other material items as gifts for an anniversary (unless it's a bigger one like 25). To me it's about celebrating our time together and the family that we've created. Make him a romantic dinner, rent a movie that he'll enjoy, and send the kids to spend the night with grandma. Enjoy your weekend away.

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answers from Columbus on

It may not be up his/your alley, but last year for my husband's birthday, I surprised him with a trip to a paintball park. It's a hobby he had when he was younger but he hadn't gotten to go in like a decade. We made it a date and spent the day together playing paintball - it was a blast! Now we have season passes and share the hobby. He said it was the best gift he's ever gotten!

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