You are making this too complicated! You'll be amazed at how easily this will "flow" (pun intended) if you just do what you want and stop worrying. It isnt considered partial weaning...you are still nursing! Just cutting out pumping. On the weekends, just nurse on demand! Nurse anytime your baby wants to, save the frozen milk for when you arent there. Eventually your body will figure out this system. There are days as your baby gets into toddler years that they will want to nurse 7 times in one day, then nurse only twice the next day. Its the normal course of breastfeeding, so your body will figure it out. Try pumping only once for the next week or two. Then stop pumping by week three, but have it handy over week 3 and 4 in case you get uncomfortable with engorgement. Then if you do, pump to relieve yourself, but dont empty the breasts. In a month (at the latest) you will be completely done pumping, still have enough milk in the freezer when you are away, and still be able to nurse when your baby needs you. Its the best case scenario! Good job Mama for making it so far, and may you continue to nurse blissfully until your baby is ready to wean!
~Tara~ breastfeeding counselor