At 17 months it really is past time for him to be off the bottle.
I am a mother of a 2 year, 4 month old boy.
We found that it was not very difficult at all to convert him off of the bottle.
What you should do when you get ready to put her down for a nap or to go to bed. Initially, until your confidence is built up, prepare a bottle and prepare a sippee cup with milk. Do not let her see the bottle. Wrap it up in a towel or something and leave it outside the baby's room. Do take the sippee cup in with you. You need to start saying to your daughter 'You're a big girl now. Big girls use the big girl cup.' Tell her this all through the day when you give her the sippee cup to drink anything. As a mom of 5 you already know how amazing it is that kids will respond to the simplest of things. Remember that the whole concept of what you are doing with the milk whether it is delivered from your breast, a bottle or a sippee cup is to coat their tummies to a level where they feel full. Once that is achieved they will go on to sleep with little or no effort. Just cradle her in the same position you do a bottle and let her suck on the sippee cup. Give her lots of eye contact and encouragement and she'll gradually start to accept it and expect it every time.
As for advice on your hubby, I am experiencing something similar with my husband in trying to get our son potty trained.
He is our only child and he does not want to force him to use the potty if he is not ready. Well, he of course is showing all of the signs, pulling down his pants, saying 'Potty', etc.
But, when I encountered an issue such as this, I just offer to let him put the child down to bed. Here is the bottle/sippee cup. I have some clothes to fold and a few dirty bottles to organize, it's funny, but my husband's whole demeanor changes and he is suddenly very supportive of my position ;)