You are going through hormonal changes. Did you enjoy nursing and the bond from nursing? Subconsciously this may bother you that he is more independent and has reached the next stage in his growing up :)
Is this normal? I just weaned my soon to be one year old as of yesterday, yeah!! But I am so irritable today! My poor three year old is driving me BONKERS but I don't think he is really very different from any other day, I am just not in the mood. I am a little sore. I pumped a tiny bit in the morning and am going to only pump for a little relief at varying times and not everday until I am dry. I have had a headache for a couple days, but I am getting my eating right and not doing much sugar so that could factor in too. Anyway, anybody else experienced irritation while weaning. The first time around I only had one baby, so I didn't notice it. Oh and p.s. as far as pumping for a little relief, I know it will not cause me to increase in milk production. I did it last time and was dry in about a week. Thanks for any input!
You are going through hormonal changes. Did you enjoy nursing and the bond from nursing? Subconsciously this may bother you that he is more independent and has reached the next stage in his growing up :)
Your body was used to the hormone chemical release it got when nursing and pumping doesn't give the same reaction. Nursing gives off lovey-feel good-safe- comforting-sleepy reactions for both baby and Momma, which is why it was usually soothing and makes you tired when you would nurse.
Yep- I was that way too (my kiddos are 17 mos apart and I nursed my 2nd for a year). I quit nursing and felt like I was irritable and all out of wack for maybe a month....at least it felt that long!
Hope yours ends sooner!
The lack of sugar could definitely be causing your irritability and headache. I'm not suggesting that you go out and eat several spoonfuls of the white stuff but maybe eat a carby meal that includes complex carbs with dietary fiber (to get the glucose but in a better form) and pair it with a protein.