hm. it would help to do it every other night. however, its going to be the go-to solution for bedtime... and thats not a bad thing.
my son nursed until he self weaned at 19 months. i think the more laid back you are about it, the eaiser it is for her to wean. and you will be uncomfortable. im sure there are things to do for engorgement, but i dont remember any of them. i know it was a month or so before i didnt feel like i should nurse, however, it was MUCH longer before my breasts wouldnt readily give milk. haha.
just be laid back about it.
the 'dont ask dont refuse' method is the best idea for weaning. i hope by now you have some form of communication for her to ask for it, for my son it was sign language for milk. and one day he just didnt ask anymore. about 2 weeks later, he started doing the sign for milk, and i would have not refused, but then he stopped and started shaking his head no. since i had never refused, i was confident that he was making the decision to not need it instead of me making it for him
there are SO MANY benefits to breastfeeding longer. let me tell you - youve done a FANTASTIC JOB nursing this long. if you are comfortable, theres no reason to rush weaning, as its very healthy for both of you. i lost another 5 pounds when my son was around 14 months - and i wasnt doing any real exersize or anything... so it had to have been breastfeeding. i lost more weight again when my son was around 18 months. so in all, i lost 8 lbs MORE than i gained with my son in the first place.
its probably not going to be hard if you already have her down to just the night feeding. if you wanted to continue to just give that one for a while longer, theres nothing wrong with that, and its fantastic. :D might have some good info on helping wean. :D peacefully and lovingly.
good luck!