You need to find a neurologist. You are looking for one that will listen to every detail from birth forward and is taking notes while you are talking.
In the meen time you can try to eliminate toxins in you house that can irratate the nervuos system. The easiest way to do that is to just change everything to ogranic foods, soaps, and cleaners.
My doctors looked for the cause of nerological problems I was having for three years. We spent thousands of dollars on tests, appointments, and medications. It was a total fluke that we went "green" and discovered the cause of the problems, which were later confirmed by my doctor as toxin poisoning.
We discovered after the fact that are over 25,000 chemicals have been intoduced into the home since WW2. Another 1,500 are introduced each year. None of these chemicals are required by the EPA to be tested to see if they are neuro-toxins. In fact only 12 of the chemicals have tests available for to see if they are neurotoxins. No one is studing to see what effects of the combinations of these chemicals may have.
We decided since our government wasn't protecting our family we would. We now shop with a company called Melaleuca. You can try to make the switch by using products from companys like Seventh Generation, Aveda, and Pangea Organics, but we found Melaleuca to be easier on us and more cost effective.
If you would talk more about this feel free to contact me.
L. Seben