I have a friend who has done this-
Here is her response... I have 3 children: Levi, 2 and a half, Emily 1 and a half, and Silas 2 months... I have my hands full! I had all three of my children at home with a midwife each in a birthng tub. I highly reccomend it! Firstly, laboring in a warm large tup is incredibly comfortable and the warmth really helped me go through the tough part of labor. Secondly, the fact that your floating in mid-water during the pushing stage is really cool! I felt completly weightless! My husband was able to get into the tub with me and catch the baby. The warmth of the water is a great transition for the baby and it is a very clean birth.
We had decided with our first baby that we wanted to take some birthing classes. We heard about The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth. I reccomend taking these classes. It is a 12 week course and educates both you and your husband on everything to do with the birth process. If you really want to have your baby without drugs- it is a must to take! It teaches your husband how to be your coach and it helps you to know how to work with your body during the contractions to help you go through labor. It also teaches you the emotional signposts of labor so you can know where you are during the process. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have taken these classes... I reccomend them to everyone I know because when you're educated on the whole process of labor and birth there is less fear, you learn how to handle the pain, and you know exactly what to expect and what is going on. One quick example- I was in the tough part of labor and really getting overwhelmed... then in between contractions I had a hiccup. One little hiccup that to anyone else wouldn't have gotten another thought, but because I had learned so much I remembered that this is one little sign that you're very close to the pushing stage! It gave me great encouragement.
There is so much more I can say... I had such great experiences and it is really a subject that is close to my heart. I long to see more women having better experiences with the birth of thier children. I have heard so many horror stories about the experiences different moms have had and it really breaks my heart. It doesn't have to be that way. I think it is great to have a midwife or doula at the hospital with you. It is good to have an advocate that can help you stay strong under the pressure to take drugs or "speed things up". Nothing but problems come when doctors interven in the natural process. The Lord made women wonderfully! We are meant to be amazing and we are built to have children - naturally.
Lastly, feeling everything that is happening and working with your body is very empowering! You know what is going on, you can feel the baby, and you know when to push. With the proper education and support more woman can have great experiences with the birth of their children. When I had Emily I was so exhaused toward the end, I gave everything I had and at the last push I felt as if I had nothing left. She was out to her belly, but I just couldn't push any more. At that point I felt her kick her little legs and she was out into Daddy's arms... it was incredible to feel her do that all on her own! Babies have natural insticts God has given them that aids in the mother in giving birth to the child. The baby turns it head and shoulders just perfectly to go through the pelvis in the birth canal and when the uterus pushes on thier feet the child naturally kicks! A medicated baby is lethargic and does not do these things as well. That is why most times a child has to be pulled out or cut out... Well, I could go on and on, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them. Find out if there are any Bradley classes in your area and take them with your husband. It will completley change the way you give birth to your child! http://www.bradleybirth.com/