When my daughter had warts we tryed everything also.doctor told me to try the white cloth medical tape it worked like a dream you have to keep it on though for a week or so. Never seen them since
My 10 year old has 2 warts on the bottom of her foot. She has been to the doctor twice and they put this liquid on the wart. She is not suppose to walk on her foot for 8 hours, but when she goes to walk to the bathroom the dried up liquid falls off, so its not working. Its suppose to blister then I guess start eating some of the wart and skin away. The doctor says if this doesnt work we might want to consider going to a podiatrist to get it scraped out. Any suggestions on what you have done in the past? My husband had them scraped out as a child and said it hurts really bad. What if I just let it go and ignore it. Is that bad? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
When my daughter had warts we tryed everything also.doctor told me to try the white cloth medical tape it worked like a dream you have to keep it on though for a week or so. Never seen them since
My friend told me she coated her daughter's warts (she had several) with fingernail polish every night for about 2 weeks and they disappeared completely. Can't hurt (too much) to try, right?
M., I have had one for a while now. Tried the duct tape, no luck, tried taping an aspirin to the bottom of my foot (worked the one other time I got one) but no luck. Finally I got the freeze off stuff at the drug store (Dr. Scholl's I think) and that seems to finally be working. It's cold & uncomfortable during the treatment but otherwise isn't bad. Actually the aspirin hurt more because you had the acid on the foot (funny after doing that I had a hole in my foot but the wart was all the way around it yuk!!). It's still not gone but definitely smaller and on the mend. It takes time for these to heal.
I sincerely hope that helps.
We had the exact same problem in our household with warts on the bottom on feet. We had to go back for a second application of the topical wart treatment. I was instructed to keep the heavy duty tape securedly over the wart for 24 hours so that the medication penetrated the surface. After that we could remove the tape. Within 10-14 days, the wart was gone and has not returned. I'd recommend a second application before a scraping at a podiatrist. Maybe the didn't apply enough of the topical medication or it didn't properly penetrate.
I've had the best luck using the freeze stuff. And really, you have to do it a couple times. Do 3 freeze/thaw cycles where you freeze for 20 seconds, then thaw 20 sec, then repeat 2x more. Wait 2 weeks, scrape off dead skin, and repeat until the wart is gone. It will probably take 2-3 times for it to work. You can also use the salicylic acid but you will want to put a band-aid over it to keep it in the right spot.
Did you see a dermatologist or just a regular doctor? My kids both had warts, which their pediatrician told us were too small for her to do anything with and gave us the duct tape advice and OTC advice. Two years plus, they were still there. I took them to a dermatologist who injected my son's wart, and it disappeared in several weeks without a problem. My daughter (who refused the injection) had them frozen, and had to go back a second time, but is now wart-free. The duct tape did not work for my kids, and they just spread on my daughter when we took the other advice. Neither one had to stay off their feet for 8 hours. I will never do the OTC stuff again. It doesn't work and it was painful for both my kids for too long.
I found info the the Internet. Use apple cider vinegar and duct tape. It worked for me. It does take a couple of weeks. Couldn't hurt to try.
My 11-year-old had warts on her foot. We tried the duct tape, vinegar, the freezing stuff you can buy over the counter -- you name it we tried it. Then I talked to my dermatologist who told me she could freeze it off, BUT we should try Compound W first to get rid of MOST of it. She also told me to use it RELIGIOUSLY -- as in "do not skip a night." So we did. We went through two bottles of the stuff and I wasn't monitoring it very well toward the end and one day she showed me her foot and the warts were ALL GONE! It took probably three months of putting a drop every night on each wart. But they are totally gone. And we don't have to go to the dermatologist. So I would suggest trying that but be prepared for it taking awhile. But I bet it will work. I'm still amazed she is finally free of her warts!
(It did sometimes get yukky looking -- her skin would turn white and peel off. But we just kept putting those drops on.)
We used duct tape, but it is tricky if you are putting it in a sweaty area. We also got a prescription for salycic (I know it's probably spelled wrong) acid. We put the cream on his wart, covered it up with duct tape then as it got soft we had to scrape it. His wart was on his hand and it took months to go away.
Good luck!