Hi Jennifer,
I send you a big hug. I'm sorry to hear that things didn't turn out. I myself had a miscarriage at 10w that was ended by D&C. My dr. said that it would take a around 6 wks for my body to get back on a schedule since the D&C basically would start everything over (clean the slate). He also said that now that my body had gone through this, and was ready for a baby that I would be pregnant again quickly. I didn't know if I was ready for that. I needed time to process everything, grieve, what have you. The pregnancy had been unexpected, and then to have it end that way was a lot to take in in such a short period of time. But sure enough, within 4m I was pregnant. Mind you, I didn't set out to get pregnant again that quickly, it just happened. I guess the dr. knew what he was talking about. That pregnancy was watched very carefully, had a few tense moments, but I was able to deliver a healthy baby girl.
My advice to you is to take some time. Now that you and your husband know that you want another child, take your time and let it happen when it will happen. Enjoy each other, without pressure for an end result of pregnancy and you'll end up pregnant faster than if you focus on the goal. Please trust me, I've given this advice to several friends. Each one gawked at me, but sure enough, as soon as they let it go and stopped focusing on it, they became pregnant.