A very close member of our church family has an infant (whom is now 6 months old) who vomited like your baby...and when it didnt stop, she took her to dr and dr said baby had "reflux" and was put on meds for it.
BUT.before we jump to meds,,,,.have you eaten anything different? When my Sophie was nursing, I had to be extremly careful of what I ate....certain spices...milk products, chocolate, caffene, oh,,the list was long! When she got older,,around 6 months, she got more used to things,,and I could eat what I wanted. If you baby is at a stage of using his arms and legs more,,sort of flailing around it would look like, sometimes they get thier nice full bellies all shook up, so to speak.
And the dr will probably tell you that it LOOKS like alot of spit up,,,but its not. :-)
I remember being so worried about everything about my infant. Trust your instincts as a Mommy. :-) You know what is best for your baby.
Sending wonderful wishes for you and your new baby :-)|