I know it's hard! I have four now, and it's always an adjustment and difficult giving enough attention to the others during all of this...but, as hard as it is to hear, it really sounds like she's not getting the attention she needs. It sounds like you feel the same way based off of things you've said.
Here are some things I do that seem to help a lot. There were times I thought my kids would really struggle, but they didn't, and I really think these things are why:
- First, your hubby REALLY needs to step up and spend a LOT of his free time with her. He needs to take her on special shopping trips where she gets to help him. He needs to take her on walks and swim or whatever. He really, really, really needs to step in and give her a ton of attention. My hubby always does this. He hardly takes care of the newborn, but he really ups his time with the other kids, and it has made a HUGE difference, especially for the previous one that was the baby. While they get less attention from me, they get more from him, and it makes the transition nice and smooth.
- Give her the special "big sister helper role". Make it exciting. Let her know that you NEED her help. When you're choosing an outfit for the baby, let 4 yr old choose it (select two options, then let her choose out of those, in case she would choose something totally unacceptable if you had to go out in pubic or something). Have her be your diaper helper too. When it's diaper changing time, big sister knows it's her job to get the diaper/wetwipes to you - even if they are on the changing table. Let her be responsible for that. Give her things to do to make her feel important.
- When you're nursing, be sure she knows that you need her to sit by you so that she can hold your arm. hehe. Not that you really need it, but make her FEEL important and NEEDED.
- When baby is napping, make that time be special time with you and big sister. Find out what she would like to do - maybe find some special activities and let her choose one that you can do.
- When you go shopping, let her be your helper. It'll take longer, but it'll make her feel needed and involved. Point things out on the shelves that you need and have her put them in the cart. Give lots of high-5's and let her know she's doing awesome with her responsibilities. (not that she has to be the one to do EVERYTHING when it comes to the shopping, but try to keep her constantly involved). Then when unloading the cart, let her help do that too. My kids LOVE doing this. They take it very seriously.
I know it's hard. And it's VERY time consuming. When I had baby #4, I three kids that I had to figure out how to include so that they all felt like my helpers and felt like they belonged. My time shrunk to where I hardly had any "me time" until at night, and even then, it was often very little time. But I did it because I really wanted to make sure they got enough time. Diaper changing was a crazy time. I would lay baby down on the floor to change her, one kid would climb on my back, the other two would take sides next to the baby and play and talk with her. It was complicated...hehe...but they felt involved and never got jealous. Baby is now 11 months old and baby #5 will be here in Oct (our very first surprise baby).
Be sure to not be distracted by other things and to really, really, really be focusing most of your time on her when you can. I would up my attention to her and try to switch things around a little bit to make sure she feels wanted and needed by giving her special responsibilities that only a big sister can do (of course, if she refuses to do these responsibilities at times, let her). Be careful of punishing her for any of her behaviors right now. It will only make it worse.
Your ideas of story time and TV time are great, as well as a mommy date regularly. Talk to her a lot when you're taking care of the baby. Literally try to include her in everything you can.
If you are holding the baby (not nursing), let big sister snuggle too. There are times I have three kids on my lap. One per arm, and one sitting on my lap. Then the 4th has to sit next to another one because I simply have no more room! hehe. Same with my hubby. I'll walk in some times and there will be two children in his lap and two by the outside of his arms or by his feet. Kids like and need to snuggle. It IS hard and sometimes I get "touched" out, but when they are little (at 4 is still young) they need the attention.
If baby gets jealous, don't stop snuggling big sister. Put baby on your lap too, but big sister needs priority time as well. Snuggle them both.
Also, read the book "Siblings Without Rivalry". I can't give you my review on it, as I've yet to read it (it's on it's way here in the mail! My 2 & 4 year old have getting along issues...), but I have heard a LOT of people suggest it. It might have the help you need.
Just know that it does get easier...and if you are able to figure out how to involve her a lot more and give her the focus she needs, it will get better. I mean this in no judgmental way on you (because it's HARD!), just that it does sound like she needs more attention...then she'll be a happy camper.