I had my healthy, 7 lb 2oz son vaginally @ 36 weeks. I'd had a positive AFP3 result and lots of sonograms that showed he was developing normally but did not detect the v.cord situation. We didn't know until after he was born and the pathology report on the placenta came back about the v.cord situation.
I labored normally (about 11 hours) with an epidural. After delivery my doctor had to put me back on the epidural and surgically deliver the placenta (D&C) b/c it did not exit on its own. I have no idea if that was related to the v.cord situation or not.
Knowing what I know now, I think we were very lucky given the fact that we didn't know the risk existed going into delivery. I think the major risk w/ v.cord is excessive bleeding by mom and child. But my story is a very good outcome so we are very thankful! Stay open to whatever they advise, and I'm sure you'll also do great!