On June 4, 2004, I had a c-section and my daughter was born. On January 5, 2006, I had a VBAC and my son was born. Some doctors prefer not to do them. My suggestion to you would be to get a copy of your medical records and take them to a new OB (get recommendations from people you trust). Have another OB look over your records and see what they think about you having a VBAC.
With my daughter, I was a week overdue and I was 5-6 cm on my own. My doctor scheduled an induction. I went in at 7:30 am and by 6:40 pm she was being delivered via c-section; I was devestated, but happy that she was healthy. My body progressed completely; I was fully dilated and completely efaced. Part of it, according to my doctor, was the tilt of my pelvis and my tailbone, but the other part was that she presented with the back of her head, rather than the top, and she was 9 lbs 15 oz. I'm not a big person and she was stuck.
I was very nervous to try a VBAC with my son (what if he got stuck, what if there was brain damage b/c of lack of oxygen, lots of worries running through my head). Since I had a c-section with my daughter I had to sign a consent form, stating that I had been made aware of the risks of a VBAC and whether or not I wanted one. It's not set in stone though, as a matter of fact, I signed the form stating that I did not want to try a VBAC. The day before my son was born I had a sonogram to get an idea of how big he was. And it turned out he was around 8 lbs. The next evening I was putting my daughter to bed. I stood up to walk her from her room to where my husband was and my water broke as I was walking through the kitchen. I got to the hospital, still thinking I was going to have a c-section, but feeling very conflicted with that decision (crying, the whole nine yards). When the nurse checked me she said that I was 7 cm and she saw no reason why I couldn't try a VBAC if I wanted to . I got the epidural, just in case and b/c I tried without the first time (I already knew how painful labor was), and about 8 hours later, my 7 lb 14 oz beautiful baby boy was born "naturally" and without any complications.
VBACS can be done, a lot of women do, but like I said before, some doctors don't like to. Find an OB who is not opposed to allowing their patient to try a VBAC.
I'm not sure where you live, but the doctors at Ironwood OB/GYN (in Tucson, across from TMC) are great. Dr. Goldberg delivered my daughter via c-section and Dr. Laird was the doctor on call when I went into labor, she delieved my son.
Good luck to you and sorry this is so long.