I am currently working on obtaining this kind of info. I currently have a list of diseases that are most commonly vaccinated against, with the details of complications, stats on that, known side effects of the vaccines, and stats on the frequncy of those. I also have some of the brand names of the common vaccines used. I'm putting together a comprehensive list of those, with ingredients included, but it's not finished yet. I'm just doing it in my spare time. All the info I have collected so far is straight from the CDC, and the vaccine info will be straight from the vaccine manufacturers. I believe in getting info srtaight from the source, since there's a lot of questionsable stuff out there. As far as health of immunized versus un-immunized kids, you won't find it. Almost all health-related studies are funded by the government or drug companies (which are really one-in-the-same), so you aren't going to find those studies, since both entities insist on vaccinating. I personally started selectively vaccinating after my son was diagnosed with tourettes & sensory processing disorder, both which started after a round of vaccines. We eventually stopped vaccinating altogether. I am not a crusader for not immunizing. I recognize the benefits, as well as the risks. I feel that the drug companies greed has ovestepped their concern for health, and that parents need to be more fully informed of risks. (for example, if there is a history of strong food allergies, a child should wait, as there are eggs, gelatin, and chicken allergens in many vaccines.) Anyway, when I get my "research" paper done, I'm happy to send it to you. And by the way, they still use mercury in some flu shots, so if you're worried about autism, definitely avoid those! I'd be careful with the info you get online. a lot of the sights are selling something, and many are headed up by people who are very emotional about the issue, and will put up numbers without confirming them.
I do have a greta article written by a doctor that talks about how the immune system develops, and the effect that vaccines have aon a developing immune system.
let me know by email if you're interested in any of this, or have any questions that maybe i can answer.