You've gotten a ton of responses already! I wanted to be a rebuttal to the ones who questioned, what difference does it make how the baby is born and I've had csections and they went fine, what's the big deal...
My csection was preplanned, scheduled in advance, no hurry, no bustle. I held the baby as soon as I was out of recovery and nursed within a reasonable amount of time. My recovery was picture perfect, no infection, no nicked bowel or bladder, walking (if slowly) the next day, no narcotics after I was released on the third day. As easy and good an experience as it could be.
My vbac was very different. It was a spontaneous labor, so every hustle and bustle you can imagine, this time with a toddler to get settled with grandparents, a mad dash to the vbac-friendly hospital some 45 minutes away. No pain meds (wouldn't have had time for them if I'd wanted any). It was crazy.
I'd do the normal, natural birth over the scheduled c in a heartbeat.
It was SPECTACULAR. It was EXCRUCIATING. and WONDERFUL. And excruciatingly wonderful. The time between his birth and my holding him is measured in seconds, not hours. I was completely lucid; no being doped-up, can't hold my eyes open, shaking from the epidural, puking if I try to sit up. You've heard of the "runner's high"? When you feel so good after you excerise? I was FLYING. For two or three hours afterward, I was so high off the endorphins and bonding hormones they were about scraping me off the ceiling; I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Remember how you felt physically after the section? Now imagine being able to sit up, swing your legs off the table, and walk down the hall, babe in arms, talking and laughing. Remember how you were on a liquid diet after the surgery? I was inhaling a ham and pineapple pizza two hours after the birth. And the recovery was no comparison. You're not allowed to lift x number of pounds for x number of weeks after the surgery. Can you imagine not being able to pick up your little girl when she's in front of you with her arms lifted up? No way.
I love my first son. With all of my heart. My heart bursts with love when I see and hold him. But I can love the child and dislike the way he came into the world at the same time.
So there is no way, NO WAY, short of a medical emergency that I would voluntarily sign up for major abdominal surgery for the birth of my baby. I've had the best of both worlds, honey, and the normal birth was the better of the two.
So that's my emotional pitch. If you're a stats/numbers person, how bout this. At the hospital practice I was at (it was a hosp nurse midwife practice) the vbac success rate was 80-90%. So whereever your aunt works is probably NOT the place you want to be vbac-in' at. Find a practice the does vbacs and does them WELL (by % success rate). Hire a doula/take an independent childbirth course. Read like a maniac. And go for it.
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