Updated Eggless Cake

Updated on May 21, 2013
M.B. asks from Clearwater, FL
3 answers

Thanks for the eggless recipes! I went with applesauce and the cake turned out great:) no one knew it was any different, until the kids saw this little boy devour 3 pieces of cake! It made me feel great that this little boy could enjoy the same cake as everyone else:) his mom was greatful as well. So how was everyone's day?

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answers from Los Angeles on

As a mom of a food allergy son, just want to say thank you for being inclusive! I know it's not easy and I never expect it, but it always makes me feel really good when a friend uses our recipe for a cake so my son can have some too. I'm sure you made this little boy and his mom very happy!!

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

Yea! So sweet for you to do it for him!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Seattle on

Love to hear the outcome was wonderful!

1 mom found this helpful
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