Men, the ever-logical. I used to always say to my husband, "Just because my feelings arn't logical to you, doesn't mean they're not REAL to me!" It takes a LONG time for men to learn this concept and sadly, some never do. After almost 11 years of marriage my husband FINALLY got it a few months ago. One thing I said that helped was "Ok, imagine you have this garden you tend to. You pluck out all the weeds and do everything just so. Everything is beautiful and perfect. Then one day you step out your front door and there's a weed growing right in the middle of your garden. Do you stand there and deny it's existance? (That CAN'T be there! That's not logical!) or do you accept that despite your logic, it's THERE and needs to be delt with."
There's an emotional bond that forms between a mother and her baby even as a tiny fetus. Each time you have a M/C it's hurts you emotionally. And emotional pain is VERY real and takes care and time to heal. He need not do a lot--just have enough respect for you to acknowledge that your hurting and often times all it takes is something as simple as a hug. If men only knew how simple it was! Now whenever I'm hurting emotionally over something, my husband comes up and gives me a hug and says, "I'm sorry you're hurting." or something of the sort and instantly, I'm 90% better!
Hang in there. There are lots who know what you're going through and understand how you feel, including your Heavenly Father :)