Some places in Europe offer as much as a year of paid maternity leave....but the wonderful USA does not.
The only paid time I get for my leave is vacation or sick days I have worked to accrue- and unfortunately I am due next month with our second child, and FMLA won't hold my position because I have not worked the required 1250 hrs inthe past `12 calendar months to qualify. I had to take quite a bit of time off the past year because my Mother was extremely ill and died over the summer. SO - I got a LOA (leave of absence) approved, but I may lose my position within mycompany, although I have a job at the end of my 12 weeks. Meaning- I may have to take a position in a different department or work different shifts/ days etc....
Not sure of PA laws, but WIC and food stamps would be good. Also agree that boyfriend can probably do something that his back issues could tolerate. Your friend could also do some free lance hairstyling from her home to earn some $$ while she is off...that's definately a perk!!
She's lucky to have you caring about her, you are a good friend. Hope you got some useful info.....
Good luck and congrats to her.....btw---why aren't they inducing since she is past 7 days??? She may not want to burn up this time off she has been given- if I were inher shoes I would ask to be induced at this point!!!