Ultimate Sleep Fighting Champion

Updated on August 16, 2010
A.B. asks from North Augusta, SC
7 answers

my 5 month old is having a terrible time sleeping...napping for 30 minutes and waking up three and four times a night. he is so incredibly over tired...how do I get him to catch up? 2 weeks ago we were on vacation and he was sleeping fine. since we have been home he has a few good nights of sleep but only in the recalled nap nanny (we had put it in his crib which is a huge no no, every since it has been recalled we have not put it in there) I don't know if it's the missing nap nanny, pooping, teething or what...

also today he had a mega bowel movement and it was part solid and part frothy mush..sorry that is so gross. frothy used to be a sign of not enough hindmilk but at 5 months, 2 jars of baby food a day, and a 10 lb post-birth weight gain could that be a sign of something else?

thanks in advance!!!

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So What Happened?

so I am new to momapedia but I read a response regarding the cry it out method. I am going to try a snuggle extinction. It worked pretty well all day for naps and bedtime last night. I put him in the guest bed with me and snuggle until he falls asleep and then move him to the crib every time he wakes up. In a few days I am going to put him in the guest bed and sit in the bed with him for a few days doing less and less helping him fall asleep. A few days after that I am going to sit next to the bed doing even less. That's the plan anyways..we'll see how it goes. Keep fingers crossed for me!

More Answers



answers from Milwaukee on

Have you tried swaddling him? My 6 month still wants to be swaddled. We've tried putting her down without it and she wakes up after maybe an hour.

Something to try - I know it's so hard.

Good luck.



answers from Portland on

It is totally normal for babies to stop sleeping well at this age. My daughter did the same thing. Have you heard of the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child"? If not, check it out... it is a good one and helped me get my daughter to sleep better. It IS hard, and right when you think you get them into a good pattern, they start teething or daylight savings or something else comes up and you are back to square one.
Good luck, and remember that this too, will pass!



answers from Charleston on

Also, might want to back off the baby food and just do breastmilk until he's less gassy or check to see if something you ate could be causing the gas. 5 months seems young to me to be eating baby food yet as their digestive systems at this age are usually only capable of processing breastmilk.

He might like a swing, too, if he prefers to recline rather than lay flat.



answers from Savannah on

If he sleeps better in the nap nanny, it could be reflux. My son had this and he was a terrible sleeper. The first night I elevated his mattress on one end, he slept six hours in a row. I understand your not wanting to use the nap nanny since it's been recalled, but you can place a pillow or wedge UNDER the crib mattess or elevate the legs of the crib on one end. I would also see about getting a Rx for reflux and see if that helps him.



answers from New York on

Thanks for talking about Nap Nanny. We love helping babies (and their families!) get more sleep, and we want to assure moms and dads that our product is safe when people follow the warning labels and directions in our User Guide.

The word "recall" has proven to be quite confusing, because many assume that it means to always stop using the product, or to return mechandise to the store. The main purpose of the Nap Nanny recall, however, was to make sure consumers paid attention to the instructions (such as not placing the product in a crib) and the hazards of misuse, and we are committed to doing everything we can to get the word out..

We encourage you to visit our recall website at www.napnannyrecall.com, where you can read more about the recall, as well as view a new and very informative video. You do not need to discontinue using the Nap Nanny if you purchased it after August 15, 2009, as long as you view the video.

If you have questions, or you want to make a comment about how the Nap Nanny has helped your baby, please feel free to emails at ____@____.com


answers from Dallas on

Sounds like there may be something going on in his tummy. Might want to call the Dr. just to rule out a food intolerance or digestion issue.

That would explain why he sleeps better in the nap nanny, that half upright, reclined position is best for kiddos with reflux or bowel troubles. Are ALL the nap nanny's recalled or just your model? There are also crib wedges, slings, baby hammocks(which are good for slow digestion kiddos but bad for reflux) and letting him sleep in the swing or vibrating bouncer seat for a few naps during the day.

Over-exhausted kiddos work themselves into a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation. Fitting 2 extra naps during the day for a couple days in a row should help his nervous system even things out and let him sleep better during the night. I recommend reading "The Happiest Baby on the Block"

Also, a sleep dep baby usually means a sleep dep mommy - find a way to get the rest you need either by letting hubby or grandma or a lady down the street come play with him for a couple hours during the day so you can get a cat nap and take a shower. Things are so much easier to deal with when you take care of yourself first....



answers from Atlanta on

Maybe all about the nap nanny -- did you have it on vacation? Perhaps sleep him for naps in his carseat -- not optimal, but on floor would be safe if no pets or other little ones to get to baby. I propped crib mattress up a little so would have slight angle and checked every bit for "slide" -- also tried doing so with contoured changing pad as it had a belt. Again, not optimal...

Frothy is a big gas signal -- when on vacation, did he "move around" more? "Bicycling" legs, more tummy time, some Little Gas Drops, those would all help gas and perhaps be cause for nap nanny as well.

Food intake's completely normal (for mine at least:)) but maybe get the weight-gain comment checked with ped?

Good luck Mama!

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