I have an eight month old and I will give you an example of his eating schedule:
8:00 a.m. - 6 oz bottle and 3 tbs of cereal
Noon - 4 oz bottle, stage 2 jar of veggies and 2 oz of juice
4:00 p.m. - 4 oz. bottle, stage 2 jar of fruit and 2 oz of juice
8:00 p.m. - 6 oz bottle and 4 tbs of ceral
this is just an example of what my son eats the more food I give him the less milk he wants because then he gets too full and spits up. My ped. told me that the more food he eats his milk will decrease. My son was the same in length and height at his 6 month visit. I think that if he wants to eat he should eat. I hope this helped, good luck.