I get it. I have one kid who would look at a project like that and just say "I don't know what to do." and would have like, writer's block or something. He just needed someone to point him towards some thoughts about how to proceed. What's the first step, what does he want to include, and how can that be organized... but help him break it all down.
Then I have another who comes home and writes out of list of stuff she wants me to provide so she can do what she has in mind (fully figured out...) and she'll sit at the computer and print out whatever she needs if she can't draw it.
I tended to "over help" the first child. Of course, the 2nd child probably benefited from seeing projects done by first child... So she witnessed the "process" a few times before having to do her own.
Here's an idea... let your daughter cut out tail "feathers" from colored construction paper and then write the questions on them. Each feather gets a question (a fact she wants to research maybe). Then, put the turkey on the cover. Make a matching feather as a tab along the outer edge of the pages of her "book" and she can answer the questions inside, using whatever illustrations for each that she wants.
It can still be completely "her" project. But an idea of a way to organize it, that isn't overwhelming. And actually, it might give her a head start on learning how to write a term paper. The "tail feathers" are kind of like note cards. One idea for each. She can arrange them in the order she wants to present the in the book. It's like a visual outline with the tabs, and the "cover" is the table of contents.
Good luck. And let her have fun. Show her some supplies so she knows what she has to work with.