I just carried twins to 36 1/2 weeks and I was put on Turbulatine at 22 weeks because I had a lot of false labor contractions. I had these contractions with my older daughter too and I was given the pills near the end of that pregnancy too, which went until 38 weeks. Throughout my twin pregnancy, I always had a long cervical length and no cervical change with the contractions, so I was never put on bedrest. The turb. never stopped my contractions, but I do credit it with helping me feel good enough to keep working until 35 weeks (when I wasn't working, I rested and did no housework, stair climbing, or lifting my daughter BTW, I just really needed to work as long as possible for financial reasons). I never experienced side effects - the "shakes" I only got from the Brethene injections that I got in the hospital. I blame acid reflux for any loss of appetite I experienced. I noticed a big difference in how much more uncomfortable I felt after I stopped taking the turb. - which was only 3 days before I had my babies. They both weighed over 6 lbs and were able to come home with me.